What’s for Dinner????


Today some workers came in to put in new tile for the bathroom.  The bathroom was really janky and was having mold issues, so they came to fix that all up.  It’s about time.  The workers were a little weird and flirty (says the roommate), so she coerced me into going hiking up the mount tamalpais.



The views are very pretty and I walked 20000 some steps.  (I was wearing my pedometer)  When we got to the end of the trail, it got really dark, and I tripped and twisted my ankle.  Luckily we didn’t get eaten by mountain lions, and I was able to hobble the rest of the way to the car.  For dinner I was rewarded with dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn….IN-N-OUT!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…og.  I got a double meat burger extra toast, fries, and a chocolate vanilla milkshake.  My roommate and I are not fans of American cheese.  How does everyone else feel about it?

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